Rau Animal Hospital:
2135 Jenkintown Road
Glenside, PA 19038
Fax: 215-884-8851
Mon - Thurs: 8am - 9:30pm
Friday: 8am-6:00pm
Sat: 8am - 4pm
Sun: 8am - 3pm

ATTENTION PET PARENTS: Our Friday evening hours will change starting in September. Starting on September 6th, we will close at 6PM on Fridays only. All other hours remain unchanged. 

Here at Rau Animal Hospital, it is our passion and privilege to be the guardian of your pet’s healthcare. As your trusted advisor, it is also our responsibility to keep you appraised of any potential threats to your animal’s welfare.

Please visit Prevent the Spread of Dog Flu to learn about how to protect your pets and to get the latest information about dog flu outbreaks. Our latest COVID-19 update can be found HERE.



6 Reasons Why Buying Online Pet Prescriptions Is Not Worth the Risk

We've all been there. The bills have been mounting but life continues to move on in other ways, including pets that perhaps don't feel well. And we know that veterinary services during this COVID-19 pandemic are more challenging to receive. So you're scrolling the internet and you see an ad that claims “Discount pet drugs—no prescription required”. Even we in the veterinary community understand the appeal of this, but FDA experts say it can be risky to buy drugs online from sites that tout this message and others like it.

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Crucial Lessons For Keeping Your Dog Safe Around Water

As many of us remain quarantined due to COVID-19 and summer quickly approaches, those with swimming pools are likely getting prepared for The Big Open. And as temperatures outside continue to rise (well, for some of us!), dogs may look for ways to cool off when they go outside. Even when it's not very hot out, adventurous dogs may find any body of water irresistible.

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What Bloodwork Can Teach You About Your Pet's Health

Blood tests are an easy, safe, and relatively inexpensive way to peer inside your pets and find potential health problems. Analysis of the numbers and structure of blood cells is important in the diagnosis and monitoring of disease and infection. These tests can help us identify a problem before clinical signs or symptoms appear. But what exactly are we looking for when we do a blood draw on dogs and cats?

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The Secret to Staying Sane While Working From Home With Pets

It's safe to say that most of us are bored these days. It seems forever ago that we could grab dinner or a drink with our friends; go to concerts or to the theater; or enjoy one of the many markets, festivals, or other events.

But have you considered that your pet may be bored as well? Maybe they used to accompany you to a market or brewery, or they were used to hanging out with their own pet pals when you went to the park. Sure, they’re happy you’re home more, but that can lead to even more frustration for you if you’re working from home with a bored dog.

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How to Separate Fact From Fiction On COVID-19 and Your Pets

It's hard not to panic when we get this constant influx of news on the COVID-19 virus, especially because the stream of information is steady, relentless, and always evolving. And that's also true when it comes to information about the COVID-19 virus and pets. Once you break down the information about how this virus relates to pets, you'll realize that fear is largely unfounded. And, yes, that's true despite the news of a tiger and two cats recently being diagnosed.

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The Secret to Good Mental Health Could Be Having a Pet!

You may have seen the quote: “The best therapist has fur and four legs” floating around the interwebs by way of inspirational memes, but is there any truth to this saying? According to studies performed by the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI), our pets can actually benefit our mental health in a variety of ways.

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9 Ways to Keep Your Cat From Gaining Quarantine Weight

We're all feeling it. While there have been some silver linings to these days of quarantine due to COVID-19, many of us are feeling a case of the BLAHS. And by "BLAHS", we mean that we're Binging Lots And Hoarding Snacks. It's completely understandable, and our pets might even become a bit of collateral damage.

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7 Ways to Keep Your Dog Happy (And Busy!) During The Quarantine

These are challenging times. On top of the worries about COVID-19, you might have kids trying to e-learn while you’re balancing working from home and keeping your surroundings clean. Add to that a dog - and possibly a bored dog - and it can feel overwhelming. Many dogs need stimulation to stay happy and healthy and, quite frankly, to stay out of trouble.

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