Bereavement is the period of sadness that you feel after losing a loved one. Pets can provide a lifetime of unconditional love and joy, therefore it is only natural that you grieve their loss. Whether your pet has lived a full life for many years or has only been with you for a short time, hearing negative news regarding their health may leave you feeling shocked, confused, angry, guilty, and/or hopeless.
Knowing When It’s Time
We understand that euthanasia may be the most difficult decision a pet owner can make and we encourage you to speak with a veterinarian. There is no right or wrong answer, it is a personal decision. However, a quality-of-life discussion can provide you with the knowledge and support you need during this difficult process. If you are considering euthanasia for your pet, we want you to know that you are not alone.
Dealing With The Loss of a Pet
After your pet has died or been lost, it is natural to feel overwhelmed by grief and sadness. The special bond that we form with our pets can be very deep and rewarding. The loss of a beloved animal can have an impact that is, in some cases, greater than the loss of a family member or friend. It is important to remember that we all grieve in our way and in our own time.
Ways to help yourself cope with your pet’s loss:
1. Talk to your family, friends, veterinarian, a support group, and/or a counselor
2. Share memories about your pet, and write about your feelings in a journal
3. Create a scrapbook or photo album of your pet
4. Have a memorial service, funeral, or special tribute for your pet
5. Allow yourself time to mourn your pet’s loss
Counseling & Support Groups
Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement
Animal Health Foundation
PennVet Grief Support and Social Services
Rainbow Bridge Grief Support Center
Metro Vet Pet Loss