Rau Animal Hospital:
2135 Jenkintown Road
Glenside, PA 19038
Fax: 215-884-8851
Mon - Thurs: 8am - 9:30pm
Friday: 8am-6:00pm
Sat: 8am - 4pm
Sun: 8am - 3pm

ATTENTION PET PARENTS: Our Friday evening hours will change starting in September. Starting on September 6th, we will close at 6PM on Fridays only. All other hours remain unchanged. 

Here at Rau Animal Hospital, it is our passion and privilege to be the guardian of your pet’s healthcare. As your trusted advisor, it is also our responsibility to keep you appraised of any potential threats to your animal’s welfare.

Please visit Prevent the Spread of Dog Flu to learn about how to protect your pets and to get the latest information about dog flu outbreaks. Our latest COVID-19 update can be found HERE.



local vets

Cat Grooming: What's Unusual?

If your cat is like most felines, she spends hours every day grooming herself. Lick the paws, check. Use the damp paws to clean behind the ears, check. Your cat is capable of bending and contorting herself into all manner of funny positions to aim that rough tongue “just so” at a particular problem area.

In general finicky cats are pretty good at keeping themselves clean.  However, it turns out there are other reasons your cat grooms him or herself besides cleanliness.

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veterinary clinics near me

How to Socialize Your Puppy for a Happy and Confident Dog

Happy and well-adjusted puppies are friendly and playful. However, puppies who haven't been well-socialized may become fearful and exhibit aggressiveness as a form of self-defense. If you've ever met a dog who's scared of the everyone and everything, you know that is not a pleasant experience for anyone, and in fact, behavior problems are one of the biggest reasons dogs are relinquished to shelters.

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vet clinic near me

Integrative New Year's Resolutions for You and Your Pet

Most personal New Year’s resolutions are centered on health and relationships. You may promise yourself that you'll work out regularly, eat healthier or call your family more often. But what if you broadened your resolutions to include your pets? What would that look like? Could you find resolutions that would truly benefit both you AND your pets?

These resolutions are integrative in nature as they address various aspects of the pet’s well-being, such as diet, exercise and social and emotional needs.

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pet health

Why Dog Diagnostic Imaging May Be Needed

Sometimes, your veterinarian needs to see the internal workings of your dog to make an adequate prognosis on their health. Veterinary diagnostic imaging helps us do that.  You’re probably familiar with X-rays (radiographs), ultrasounds, MRIs and CT scans. Each of these tools offers ways we can see inside your dog for a full picture of your dog’s health.

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pet doctor

Need Dog Boarding? Here's How to Prepare

While traveling with your dog can be fun, lets face it, it’s not always feasible. Erratic schedules and allergic family members can add stress for everyone, not to mention the difficulty of flights or long road trips.

That’s where dog boarding is helpful.

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animal hospital near me

5 Fun Homemade Dog Treats

As the winter holidays are in full swing, we spend more and more time in the kitchen, whipping up goodies made with seasonal produce such as pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and cranberries. So why not let your pup in on the fun of enjoying some seasonal treats? We compiled 5 easy, yummy, and healthy dog treat recipes you’ll want to try out with your best furry friend!

**Pro Tip: Make a big batch and put the extra in the freezer. Pull out about a week's worth at a time and always have healthy, preservative-free dog treats on hand!

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veterinarians near me

Dog Anal Glands - What Every Dog Lover Needs to Know

You’re not alone if you wrinkle your nose at the idea of “dog anal glands”. After all, “anal glands” are not approved dinner conversation in most circles, and they're probably something you’d rather not think about. 

However, some dogs have problems with theirs and if you’re reading this, your dog may be one of them. You may also know that if left ignored, dog anal gland problems can develop into a painful medical condition. 

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