Rau Animal Hospital:
2135 Jenkintown Road
Glenside, PA 19038
Fax: 215-884-8851
Mon - Thurs: 8am - 9:30pm
Friday: 8am-6:00pm
Sat: 8am - 4pm
Sun: 8am - 3pm

ATTENTION PET PARENTS: Our Friday evening hours will change starting in September. Starting on September 6th, we will close at 6PM on Fridays only. All other hours remain unchanged. 

Here at Rau Animal Hospital, it is our passion and privilege to be the guardian of your pet’s healthcare. As your trusted advisor, it is also our responsibility to keep you appraised of any potential threats to your animal’s welfare.

Please visit Prevent the Spread of Dog Flu to learn about how to protect your pets and to get the latest information about dog flu outbreaks. Our latest COVID-19 update can be found HERE.



5 Cat Wellness Tips in Honor of Pet Wellness Month

October is pet wellness month and because, as veterinarians, we know that you want your fur babies in your life for as long as possible, we’d like to help you put your pets on the path to wellness. We’re taking the opportunity in this blog post to talk about the many ways you can help improve your cat wellness. From prevention and vaccinations to regular exams and watching for symptoms of illness, there are many things you can do to ensure your cat is as healthy as possible.

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We Heart Cats But So Do Mosquitoes: Your Cat Heartworm 4-1-1

It’s a silent killer that has no cure, but it’s easily preventable. We may think of heartworm disease as more of a dog problem and, while more dogs than cats contract heartworms, mosquitoes find cats just as tempting of a meal as they do dogs. One shelter found during a year-long study that 26% of cats had been infected with heartworm larvae at some point in their lives, with 10% of heartworms making it to adulthood.

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The Secret to Ridding Your Dog of Itchy and Irritated Skin

As humans, we know just how frustrating it is to have itchy skin so, when you see your dog struggling with it, your heart naturally goes out to them...for the first few weeks. By week three, you’ve had it and, if you sleep with your pet, you’ve lost more Zzzzzs than you care to think about. Now both you and your pet are at your wit’s end, which is no place to be. The best thing to do is to get to the root cause of the itch, so we’ve taken some time in this blog post to explore the many reasons your dog could be getting itchy skin, toes, or hot spots.

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The Many Benefits to Getting Your Pets Spayed or Neutered

If you grew up in the ’80s or ’90s, then you know the highlight of staying home from school sick was watching The Price is Right. For over 30 years, Bob Barker signed off with, “Help control the pet population. Have your pet spayed or neutered.” For those who have grown up in the 2000s, Drew Carey has continued the mantra. But besides the fact that Bob or Drew said so, just why should you spay or neuter your pet?

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How to Spot and Solve Pesky Litter Box Problems

The most common reason for euthanasia in cats or, really, pets in general in the United States is behavioral issues. These cat behaviors can range from aggression and biting to elimination or “potty issues” or “potty training issues”. And while there are circumstances where euthanasia is warranted for truly bad and potentially dangerous behavior, it’s also possible to head some of these problems at the pass by getting to the root of the issue.

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4 Handy and Helpful Tips For Pilling Your Pet

So your pet needs medication. Your normally obedient and, possibly in some cases, less-than-savvy pet suddenly becomes an astute genius who will not be fooled. Even those pets who are like living vacuum cleaners often reach the point where they think, "Fool me once..." And let's face it—this is beyond frustrating, especially in the cases when the pill you're trying to give your pet is basically going to save their lives. That's why we've taken the time to share some tips that we've had up our sleeves for years so that your pooch or kitty is no longer a pill about getting their pills!

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